Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Happy Holidays!
Seniority is the deciding factor in whether or not you will have to work on holidays. I have been pretty junior for much of my career, so I expect to be away from home. Having to work these days can be a mixed blessing. The downsides are numerous. You're having to be away from family. You have to sleep in a strange hotel, in a strange city, where all of restaurants are closed. You're lucky if the hotel has food for you. Once, I got food from the airport and brought it to the hotel so that I would have something to eat. I remember spending one Thanksgiving in Hartford, Connecticut. Every restaurant, including the hotel's, was closed. Thankfully, the hotel chef had made cold cut sandwiches for us and left them in a fridge where we could help ourselves. That, potato chips, and a coke from the vending machine made for some good eats. Well, maybe not, but at least I had a good crew and we were able to make the best of it.
On the other hand, luck can knock on your door and provide one of the most surprising, best experiences of your life. I was an CRJ Captain, sitting at home on Reserve. Reserve, for those of you not familiar with the term, is where you sit at home, next to the phone, and wait for it to ring. If your crew scheduler calls, you usually have 2 hours to get to the airport and report for your trip. On Christmas morning, I got the call. I was going to spend Christmas night in Chicago. I am originally from Chicago and my father still lives there. Unfortunately, my father was spending Christmas in San Francisco with his step-children. The rest of my siblings were living out of town. Luckily, one of my very best friends from high school lives about 5 minutes from O'Hare Airport. I gave him a call, and remember, this was on Christmas morning. I asked him if there was any chance that I could join he and his family for dinner. I usually don't just call someone on short notice and invite myself to dinner, but his family has always been like a second family to me and I really didn't want to be alone in a hotel room on Christmas. He said, “Absolutely!” I told him I felt bad that I wouldn't be able to contribute anything to the meal, but he said to just make sure I got to Chicago!
I arrived at ORD (O'Hare) around 5 in the afternoon. My friend was waiting at the curb and whisked me to his parent's home. I am their third son, so they were ecstatic to see me. His Aunt and Uncle Tommy were there from Lake Geneva, Wisconsin, whom I hadn't seen in years. It was a regular family reunion. Dinner was amazing! By the time I was done, I needed a wheelbarrow to get me out of the house. My tummy was stuffed with turkey, ham, all the fixings, and let's not forget the pie. I know pumpkin pie is the usual pie of choice during the holidays, but at my friend's favorite was French Silk pie from Baker's Square. If you've ever had it, you know what I'm talking about. If you haven't, you REALLY should!
After dinner was over, we all moved to the living room and arranged ourselves around the tree. It was time to open the gifts. Back then, the economy was pretty good, and I had never seen a tree with so many beautifully wrapped presents underneath it. This family isn't overly extravagant, but they love giving at Christmas. I made my way to a chair away from the tree, with the intention of leaving the area around the tree for those who would be getting presents. I was just happy to be there and celebrating with these people. Then came one of the most emotional evenings of my life. My friend and his mother, who is an amazing woman, had gone shopping for gifts, for me, on Christmas day. When they heard I was coming to town, they found and open Target store and proceeded to get me 7 gifts, all wrapped and underneath the tree. SEVEN!!! I couldn't believe it. As if there weren't enough things to do around the house to prepare the food, and get the house ready for guests, they took the time to make sure that I would have something under the tree to open. I would not be left out of the festivities. I became very emotional. I'm not sure they know how much that meant to me. I went from thinking I would be alone for the holiday, to having the most amazing holiday I've ever had! I will never be able to thank them enough. It is proof positive that there are amazing, selfless people in this world. Christmas is a time for family, for giving and receiving. That year, I received! Thank you Andersen's!
I am also reminded of one last story. Two years ago, I had a four day trip on the 767-400 to Geneva, Switzerland. I don't have any friends there, but with 3 Pilots and 11 Flight Attendants, you're sure to have somebody to do something with. To get in the holiday spirit, one of the flight attendants hung paper snowflakes from the ceilings and underneath the overhead compartments in business class. I was the relief pilot, so I was the first one in the cockpit, while the Captain and First Officer where in the weather room checking the flight info and plotting our course across the Atlantic. I was feeling festive earlier in the day and found a Walgreen's pharmacy near my crashpad. I found some battery operated Christmas lights. Before the Captain and FO came down the jetway, I had hung the lights all around the ceiling of the cockpit. They were programmable to stay on, blink, or flash. The crew left the lights on the whole way while they searched for any signs of Santa and his sleigh. This year, I will be on a trip to Costa Rica on Christmas. I'm sure it will be a good trip!
While the aviation industry may seem large, it never ceases to amaze me what a small community it really is. I am fortunate to have friends in cities all over the world. The best overnights are those that you can meet up with a friend. It makes work seem less like work and more like a vacation. I have had the good fortune to spend a few holidays with friends while on a work trip. I hope that someday, I can return the graciousness they have always shown me.
When you get on your flight to go home, thank your crews and wish them a happy holiday. While you are going to visit family, you have just become a part of their family, even if for only a few hours.
Happy Holidays and Please be seated for Landing!
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
20 Years Later
When I was on the shuttle bus from the parking lot to the terminal, I glanced over the front page of the USA Today. It had a story on the front page talking about this being the 20th Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall. I remember that day very clearly in 1989. I also remember the great Ronald Regan telling Russian President Gorbachev to "Tear Down This Wall!" That will forever be embedded in my head, as most of my formative years took place during the cold war.
The story in the USA Today also reminded me of a training event I went through back in 2001, right before the Twin Towers were brought down by terrorists intent on toppling the United States. It was August and I was in the middle of training. I was upgrading from Captain on the Jetstream 41 to Captain on the Canadair Regional Jet. At that time, the economy was still going strong and people were flying in record numbers. I was fortunate to benefit from this through rapid upgrades from First Officer to Captain. Life was looking very good! Due to the this rapid growth, the airlines, mine included, did not have the simulator resources to train all the pilots it needed to. Therefore, we did the ground school training in-house and then bought simulator slots wherever we could find them. At my airline, Atlantic Coast Airlines, we bought CRJ sim slots in Delaware, Montreal, and Berlin, Germany. I really wasn't interested in doing my sim training in our Washington DC base, because I would then have to stay at home where there would be far too many distractions. Instead of studying and preparing for my sim sessions, I might be tempted to watch the latest episodes of my favorite tv shows on cable. When it came time for me to decide where I wanted to go, I chose Berlin.
I had been to Germany a few times on Vacation and loved the area and the people. And if the food wasn't good enough, the beer was amazing!!! I had heard a rumor that there are over 5,000 varieties of beer in Germany, each of them tested by the government for purity. WHERE DO I GET THAT JOB? I was thinking I might be in the wrong line of work! At least my travel benefits allowed me to go over there a few times and enjoy some of my favorites.
I was scheduled to deadhead on Lufthansa directly to Berlin. It was a Capital-to-Capital shuttle that was being heavily promoted. I introduced myself to the lead flight attendant and asked if I could do the same to the Captain. She took my ID up to the Captain, who then invited me up to the cockpit. After chatting for a few minutes, he invited me to ride the cockpit jumpseat of his Airbus A340 for the takeoff and climbout. Remember my friends, at the beginning of this post, I told you this was a month prior to 9/11. That would never happen today. I was very thankful for his hospitality. I stayed there until we were over New York City, when he invited me to get my co-pilot in coach class, and bring him up to Business Class where we were being upgraded. Did I already say that I loved the Germans? Another thing about the Germans, is that they are very efficient. I'm sure you've heard that you can set your watch by the train schedule, and they're not lying. You wouldn't believe how efficient they were when we arrived in Berlin. When I walked out the front door of the airplane, I literally walked 20 feet to the customs and immigration official. He stamped my passport and I walked through a sliding door. Right in front of we was the baggage carousel. My bag came within 5 minutes and I walked about 30 feet to another sliding door. When it opened, I was deposited at the curb where our transportation to the hotel was waiting. If only we could do it like that here in the USA.
A short time later, we arrived at the hotel I would be spending the next 17 days. It was in East Berlin and 2 blocks from Check Point Charlie. This is the famous border crossing between the East and West parts of Berlin. On either side would be the Berlin Wall. There isn't much left of the wall. The only remaining section of the wall is an 1,800 foot section that is a now a memorial. It contains graffiti all along it's length. Instead of it degrading the wall, they have artists come and decorate the wall with artistic graffiti. I have heard that it changes every few years. It is difficult to walk into a tourist shop, and not find pieces of the wall that you can buy and take home with you as souvenirs.
Well, we have started our descent into my destination of Pittsburgh. Thankfully, my battery has lasted the flight, and I just need to finish up before the Flight Attendants force me to turn off my computer.
As I read the article about the 20th Anniversary of the fall of the Berlin wall, I couldn't help but remember the time I spent in Berlin. I have looked through the history books at what life was like prior to the fall of the wall. I came home to the worst terrorist attack in the US history. It is proof that evil, pain and suffering is never far away, but peace will always prevail.
"Flight Attendants, Please Prepare for Arrival!"
Sunday, November 8, 2009
Video of the Day!
Video of the day! This is a special from the BBC on Airline Pilots during a long-haul international flight. It's from quite a few years ago. The pilots talk about many of the things we still deal with today, including fatigue, numerous time zone shifts, sleep, and boredom on long flights. I love when the Captain walks through the cabin in flight, greeting the passengers. PS-Did you notice the spectacles on him? He must be the British Equivalent of Harry Carey! ;-D
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Great article about Northwest Flight 188
Here it is:
The real distractions for pilots
For those of you who live in a cave and didn't catch it, back on Oct. 21, both pilots of Northwest Flight 188, an Airbus A320 bound from San Diego to Minneapolis, went mentally AWOL somewhere over Minnesota -- distracted by their laptop computers, so they say -- missing a series of air traffic control calls and straying off course. The incident sparked a media frenzy that lasted nearly two weeks.
Now, as I feared might happen, the witch hunt is on: Politicians are weighing in, pushing for federal legislation that would prohibit pilots from using laptop computers and other devices while flying.
First on this square-wheeled bandwagon is Sen. Robert Menendez, D-N.J., who wants to ban all nonessential gadgets from the cockpit.
"With dozens or sometimes hundreds of lives in their hands," said Sen. Menendez, "we need to ensure that pilots are focused on one thing only: getting their aircraft from point A to point B safely and efficiently."
"What's true in a car is generally true in an airplane," he added, demonstrating an exquisite knowledge of how jetliners are operated, "and we need to address distracted flying, just as we are addressing distracted driving. The fact that there isn't already a prohibition on 'texting while flying' for airplanes seems reckless."
Well, except that such rules do in fact exist. Almost all airlines prohibit the personal use of computers in the cockpit, and the Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR) restrict a pilot's use of certain other devices just as they do for passengers. Is a federal law going to make any difference?
And if Menendez is truly that concerned about "distraction," why is he not weighing in on the improvement of flight and duty time regulations, which, believe me, are a much bigger threat to safety than a pilot's laptop or iPhone.
Chiming in with Menendez is his colleague Al Franken of Minnesota. Now, I was a fan of Franken going back to his early days on "Saturday Night Live" in the 1970s (Franken & Davis, not Stuart Smalley), but I wish he'd butt out of this.
"As passengers, we open our laptops on airplanes for one reason," wrote the senator in a statement. "To distract ourselves from the fact that we're flying. But airline pilots can't be distracted from constant monitoring of their aircraft and traffic."
Constant monitoring? What does that mean, Al? I can't argue with the gist of your concern -- like anybody else you want pilots to be, as we say in the biz, situationally aware. But how much do you know, honestly, about what goes on in a cockpit at 35,000 feet during cruise flight -- about which things pilots need to monitor, and how?
"We all pay a lot for air travel," added Franken. "I think an attentive pilot should be included in that ticket price."
Now he's being cute, and so I can't resist: This is ripe for argument, Senator, but I'll submit that we don't pay a lot for air travel, comparatively speaking. Airfares have been in decline for each of the past 10 months, and on average we're paying the same to fly today that we were paying in the 1980s. And, of course, an attentive pilot (two of them to be more accurate, and sometimes a third or fourth) is included in that ticket price -- though one of the reasons they are earning 20-40 percent less than in years past is because that ticket price is so low.
I'm just saying.
Although what occurred over Minneapolis was an obvious dereliction of duty on the part of the crew, the media's fixation on the event was and remains vastly disproportionate to any danger the passengers faced. To have members of the U.S. Senate joining the fray ratchets up the hysteria even more. Of all the things government can and should be doing to improve commercial air safety -- from overhauling the lunacy of the Transportation Security Administration to dealing with the very real dangers of lithium-ion batteries carried as cargo -- for any lawmaker to spend even five minutes on a proposal like this is shameful. Alas issues involving batteries aren't very sexy, lacking the more scandalous aspects of our wayward pilots and their PCs.
And what exactly constitutes a distraction? Are Franken and Menendez suggesting that, for example, a pilot on a nine-hour flight be banned from snapping a photograph while traversing the grandeur of Greenland, or shooting a few seconds of video? I try not to overuse the word "preposterous," but in this case it's perfect. Such rules would do nothing -- nothing -- to enhance safety. Should pilots be banned from eating meals or carrying on conversations? Is everything under suspicion save for staring straight ahead?
Ultimately, I think there are two underlying factors at work here.
First, despite my best efforts over the past seven years, the truth remains that a vast majority of people have no real idea what the environment of a cockpit is like. They have little understanding of what an airline pilot actually does up there, and what the repercussions of certain mistakes are -- or aren't.
Pilots are at times extremely busy; at other times there are long stretches of low workload. Duties come and go, ebb and flow, and an aircraft will not suddenly flip upside down or come screaming out of the sky if a pilot's attention is temporarily diverted. Indeed it often needs to be diverted. If you want to guarantee more tired and brain-fried pilots, the best way to do it would be through some of that "constant monitoring" that Sen. Franken seems to be hinting at.
Meanwhile, nervous passengers hear the term "pilot error" and it frightens them. Occasionally it should, but I don't always like that term because it fosters the ridiculous idea that any error is a potentially fatal one, and that for a flight to be safe its pilots cannot in some way err. In practice pilots make minor, inconsequential mistakes all the time -- just as any professional does in any line of work. There is no such thing as a perfect flight, and we will not, ever, engineer, automate or legislate this reality away. Considering the rarity of crashes, people should be more comfortable with that.
I also sense that this is yet another manifestation of people's distrust and dislike for airlines. Pilots, more so than most airline employees, usually escape the traveling public's wrath, but we're not immune (especially when people have this crazy, ill-formed idea that pilots are bringing in huge salaries in exchange for little or no actual work). Politicians smell blood, and this is an easy way for them to look good. Really, what's to lose in any legislation that in some way takes airlines to task?
Am I absolving the Northwest pilots of blame? Am I advocating that crews should be allowed to break out their laptops to play computer games or surf the Internet while flying? No. But here again we are witnessing one of this country's most wasteful and self-defeating tendencies: that of coming up with unrealistic, zero-tolerance solutions to problems that are either greatly exaggerated, badly misunderstood, or that don't exist in the first place.
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Lastly, a quick thanks to the many readers who sent condolences and other kind words after the death of my mother. I received more than 150 e-mails during the past several days, in addition to the dozens of posts left in the letters section of last week's column. I could not respond to everybody with a personal thank-you, but all of your letters were appreciated.
I was going through some of my mother's things a few days ago, and among the items I found were her American Airlines stewardess wings, an "AA" eagle lapel pin, and a "Stewardess Corps" pendant, all from 1965. They are rendered in sterling silver -- tarnished but beautifully engraved.
It should go without saying that airlines no longer give out sterling silver wings.
The first airplane I was ever on, big or small, was an American Airlines Boeing 727, in April of 1974. We flew from Boston to Washington, D.C., and they served sandwiches and cheesecake -- yes, in economy class on an 80-minute trip. I remember the stewardess asking if I wanted seconds.
The photo you see here, taken by my mother, shows me and my sister walking up the stairs to that airplane.
There are some definite date markers in that shot -- the haircuts, the clothes, the old-timey air-stairs in lieu of the modern jet bridge.
Astute viewers will notice one thing that hasn't changed, though: the American Airlines livery. I know of no major carrier that has stuck with the same color scheme and logo for so long. The bare polished aluminum, the gothic tail bird and tricolor cheat; there's nothing particularly beautiful about it, but I hope they keep it going -- if for no other reason than it bucks the annoying "in motion" livery theme that is now so common among airlines. Take a look at the tarmac palette these days -- there are enough streaks, swishes, swirls and curls out there to make anybody dizzy, most of them indistinguishable from each other. Carriers want to appear slick, sleek and modern, but they've jettisoned their identities in the process.
I am really fond of those drive-up stairs. There's something dramatic about stepping onto a plane this way: the ground-level approach along the tarmac followed by the slow ascent. The effect is similar to watching the opening credits of a film -- a brief, formal introduction to the journey. By contrast, the jet bridge (Jetway if you prefer) makes the plane itself feel almost irrelevant; you're merely in transit from one annoying interior space (terminal) to another (airplane cabin). Many of the overseas routes I fly find me at airports that still employ stairs, and I always get a thrill from them.
All right, except for those times when it's 95 degrees and I've got 90 pounds of luggage.
Wednesday, November 4, 2009
What's the Coolest Thing You've Seen From the Cockpit
I have been treated to some amazing sights during my aviation career. Many of them happened prior to my time in the cockpit of an airliner. Some happened very early on in my flying, including during the time I was earning my pilot's certificates.
The first that I remember happened when I was studying for my Commercial Pilot certificate. I was doing a cross country flight from rapid City, south Dakota to Grand Forks, North Dakota. This lesson required that I do a flight with my instructor that included 4 hours of day flying and 2 hours of night flying. We planed the flight down from Grand Forks (GFK) to Aberdeen, SD, Pierre, SD and on to Rapid City. We arrived in Rapid City just as the sun was starting to set. We had hope to fly a couple circles around Mt. Rushmore, so the controller was kind enough to give us vectors to the monument. We couldn't see a thing out the front window with the sun right in our eyes. After passing the monument, Air Traffic Control (ATC) turned us around and got us headed in the right direction. As soon as we rolled out of the turn we could see it...it helps not having the sun burning holes in our retinas. There in front of us was Mt. Rushmore. As amazing as it looks on TV or in history books, nothing could prepare us for what it looked like at eye level as we circled it a few times. We then landed in Rapid city, had dinner, and prepared to leave for the flight back to GFK. We departed Rapid City after dark and climbed out to the Northwest toward Bismark, ND. About 15 minutes after takeoff, we were treated to one of the most amazing natural sights I have ever seen. the Northern Lights appeared right in front of us from as far left to as far right as we could see.

The next experience I usually tell people about is the time I saw the comet Hale-Bopp. I was flying from Chicago to Leesburg, Virginia. I had just departed the Ohio State University airport in Columbus, OH, where I had stopped for fuel. I had just leveled off at my cruise altitude when I remembered that Hale-Bopp should be visible to the Northwest. I looked over my left shoulder, and there it was. The benefit of seeing it while airborne, is that you are above most of the pollution that is nearer to the ground. It looked much bigger and brighter than it appeared when you looked at it from the ground.

Just a year ago, I was flying across the Atlantic on a trip to England. It was near sunrise as we approached the Irish coast, when the Captain thought he saw a satellite moving across the sky. Most of the time, we have the cockpit light on full to help stave off the effects of flying through the night. If it is a clear night, we sometimes turn off the lights to take a look at the stars. The Captain noticed movement in the sky and told me where to look for it. I found the object he was talking about and was amazed at the speed of it's movement across the sky. Even though we are flying at over 500 mph, we see very little relative movement due to our altitude of around 7 miles above the ground. This object was obviously in space and moving at thousands of miles per hour. After about a minute, this object flew over the horizon and out of sight. It looked larger than your average satellite and was more orange in color. After discussing it, we realized that we had been looking at the International Space Station.
These are just a few of the amazing things I have been fortunate enough to see during my flying career. While these are the most memorable, I am always amazed at the view out my office window. Even if it is raining or snowing on the ground, I am almost always guaranteed to see blue skies or bright stars. I only wish that I could leave the cockpit door open, so that you could come up and see what I get to see every day.
Monday, November 2, 2009
My First Blog!
I am a pilot with a major US airline. I currently fly the Boeing 757 & 767. As much as I love flying the 757, I will be making a change after the new year. I have decided to take a break from the international flying I have been doing for the past 5 years, and will focus on more domestic flying, i.e. less time zone changes. It is true that airlines doing more with less during the last ten years. That includes the pilots. We are doing more and making less. I'm not going to turn this post into a debate over what I deserve to be paid, I will just say that I have been working more hours than I ever have in my life. It has taken it's toll on my body, so I have decided to give it a break and enjoy what my country, the Caribbean, Mexico, Central America, and our brethren to the North have to offer. Therefore, I will be going to 737 training in January. I figured it has been 3 years since I've added a type rating to my certificate, so I decided to do something about it.
Speaking of type ratings, back to my credentials. I am just barely on the shy side of 40 years old. (very shy side)... I have just around 10,000 hours, give or take, and am type rated in the Jetstream 4100, Canadair Regional Jet (CRJ-200), Airbus A320, Boeing 757 & Boeing 767. I also have Second-in-Command (read-not PIC) type ratings in the DC-10 and Boeing 717, errr...DC-9. In other words, my pilot certificate might need Lypo Suction if I get any more type ratings. I figure there aren't too many more I can get. My company has 777's and will soon be getting 787's. (soon, being before the turn of the century). Are any of you trying to figure out who I work for yet? I know my friends and family already know, but I'm sure it would eventually become obvious anyway.
Like I said earlier, I really hope this will be an interesting way for me to be creative, share some ideas, and be a place for me to tell stories and post pictures from my travels. If you are not in the aviation industry, I hope you get an idea through some of my stories of just what life is like in front of the cockpit door. As I know that most airline pilots tell you not to congregate around the cockpit door, but my door will always be open, so gather 'round and enjoy the view! Just be mindful of the bathroom door that is right next to the cockpit door. You never can tell what that odor is!